Maintenance of its structure

Annual Report
Companies registered in the United States need to submit the Annual Report, or annual renewal report,to maintain an active status and update the company’s data, avoiding more severe fines and penalties.Theannual renewal report must be submitted to the government of the State where the company is registered. The greater or lesser complexity of the annual renewal report depends on the state where the company is registered and also the type of company. Basically, in the document, there are fields to enter basic information about the company, such as address, shareholding composition, number of employees, contact e-mails and phone numbers.Each state establishes a deadline for submission and the collection of a fee to update the company’s registration.

BEA Surveys
The questionnaire forms of the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States’ Department of Commerce seek to collect information about companies with a minimum 10% foreign interest in the share capital. in the share capital. Among the data that must be declared are those referring to billing, the corporate and functional structure and the company’s results. There are different types of BEA Surveys, some are delivered annually presenting data for the previous fiscal year, others, depending on the company, must be delivered quarterly.

The purpose of the 5472 Form is to prevent foreigners from evading USA taxes and close a few gaps that exist in the Internal Revenue Code.IRS instructions for the 5472 Form:

The 1099 formreports the consolidation ofpayments made to external service providers who received over USD 600 over the course of the fiscal year.In it wages, salaries or tips — which must be reported through theW-2 form.

Certain USA citizens and residents who are executives, officers or shareholders of certain foreign companies must fill out the 5471 form as part of their expat tax return.

The 8868 form is used by an exempt organization to request the automatic 6-month extension to fill out the tax return.

Main tax liabilities in Brazil

Final Beneficiary Statement
Final beneficiary is the natural person who:

Regarding the deadline for the submission of the Statement, we have two scenarios: if the foreign company has no final beneficiary, it must inform such status to the Internal Service within 90 (ninety) days as from its registration date; it is also required to report whenever there is a change of the final beneficiary regarding the reporting entity.

Close attentionshould be given to the submission deadline, since the legal entity that fails to inform the final beneficiary will be subject to administrative fine and suspension of the corporate taxpayer identification number.

Statements pertaining to the record of operations in the central Bank for the receipt and remittance of funds abroad as described below:

Thedeadline for the submission of statements for registration in the RDE-IED and RDE-ROF systems is the same: up to 30 days as from the triggering event.

DEF – Economic and Financial Statement
The DEF is an accessory obligation of the Central Bank of Brazil to update the information of the shareholding structure of national companies that is submitted at two frequencies:

Attention must be paid to the deadline for the submission, since the fine may vary depending on the delay time:

CBE – Statement of Brazilian Capitals Abroad
CBE is an accessory obligation for companies that have invested capital equal to or higher than:

Census of Foreign Companies in Brazil
Refers to the accessory obligation to be sent to the Central Bank of Brazil, which aims to collect information on foreign direct investments and foreign debt instruments. We have two modalities for submission of the Census of Foreign Companies in Brazil, which must be submitted by August 16, 2021:

Who is required to submit the annual census?

Declaration on the Use of Resources in Foreign Currency Arising from Receipt of Exports (DEREX)
With DEREX’s extinction, the information previously provided thereby must be provided in 2021 through the following means:

Information pertaining to DEREX must be provided in Block V of the ECF.

Foreign Investments Country-by-Country Statement (DPP)
Entities required to submit the DPP:
I – R$ 2,260,000,000.00 (two billion, two hundred and sixty million reais), if the final controller is a resident in Brazil for tax purposes; or
II – € 750,000,000.00 (seven hundred and fifty million euros), or equivalent converted at the exchange rate of January 31, 2020 to the local currency of the jurisdiction of residence for the final controller’s tax purposes.

Entities exempt from submitting the DPP:
a) Identify, via completion of ECF’s W100 Form, the final controller of the multinational group (the entity itself can be the final controller of the group);
b) Report to the RFB, in ECF’s W100 Form, that the multinational group falls within the scope of DPP submission exemption status.

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Tax Return (Forms 1065, 1120, 1120-F)
Form 5471​
Form 5472
Form 1099
Annual Report
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Tax Return (Forms 1065, 1120, 1120-F)
Form 5471​
Form 5472
Form 1099
Annual Report
Registered Agent
Corporate Accounting Pre-OP
Final Beneficiary Declaration
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Tax Return (Forms 1065, 1120, 1120-F)
Form 5471​
Form 5472
Form 1099
Annual Report
Registered Agent
Corporate Accounting Pre-OP
Final Beneficiary Declaration
Stock Option Accounting
Consolidated Financial Statements
Pro Forma K1
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